Russia Sanctions


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Dec 22, 2023

Russia Sanctions

Published 30 May 2023 © Crown copyright 2023 This publication is licensed

Published 30 May 2023

© Crown copyright 2023

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This note contains the Common High Priority Items list. It is composed of Western items critical to Russian weapons systems and its military development. The list is living and will be updated from time to time. Business plays a key role in preventing these items reaching Russia.

To note, this Common High Priority Items List does not represent the extent of our trade sanctions. See the Russia Regulations for the full set of measures and legal obligations.

In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the UK has put in place an unprecedented package of sanctions aimed at cutting off funding for Russia's war machine, inflicting economic cost at scale and showing solidarity and support for Ukraine.

These are having a major effect on Russia's ability to wage its illegal war in Ukraine and have severely weakened Russia's economy.

UK trade measures seek to deny Russia access to the goods, technologies and revenue necessary to pursue its illegal war and contribute to the degradation of its military capabilities by restricting Western items critical to Russian weapons development.

Together with our international partners, the UK has identified items that Russia is using in its weapons systems. All are subject to UK sanctions. Many of these items have been found on the battlefield in Ukraine. They include electronic components such as integrated circuits and radio frequency (RF) transceiver modules. The list, which will be updated when required, also includes items that are essential for the manufacturing and testing of the electronic components and circuits retrieved from the battlefield.

The list is divided into four Tiers, with tiers one and two containing particularly sensitive items:

Russia is seeking to procure restricted goods such as those on this list, via non-sanctioning countries. Businesses should ensure that they consider these risks. Businesses should undertake due diligence to ensure that the end destination of these products is not Russia.

The UK is working in coordination with international partners to tackle sanctions avoidance and evasion including closing routes that Russia is potentially using to circumvent our sanctions.